Meat burek 

Ingredients for the dough 

  • 500 g flour for burek Čakovečki mlinovi 
  • a pinch of salt 
  • 5 tablespoons oil 
  • 280 ml lukewarm water 

Ingredients for stuffing 

  • 500 grams beef 
  • salt, pepper 
  • thyme 
  • half a finely sliced onion 
  • a little water 


Place the previously sifted flour, a pinch of salt, oil and lukewarm water in a deep bowl. Stir all the ingredients with a wooden spoon to connect well. Add some water if needed. Knead the dough with your hand, then transfer it to a lightly floured surface and knead it some more. Form the dough into a ball, and then “throw” it on the surface about 30 to 50 times.  This results in better gluten development. 

Once the dough is soft and supple, form it again into a ball and place it on a plate, coat it with oil and wrap it well with cling film. Leave to rest for about 30 minutes. 

Stretch the dough on a clean tablecloth with your fingers and palm and gently oil the edges. The dough must not be dry because it can crack. You can also use a roller pin, but it is recommended to stretch it with your hands. 

Prepare the filling in advance and let it sit for half an hour in the refrigerator to let the flavours infuse. 

Spread the filling on the stretched dough to 3/4 of the sheet and roll with a tablecloth. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. They say burek is finer the greaser it is. So, when you roll it and place it in the pan - oil it abundantly.