Cheesecake burek by Rudolf Štefan 

Ingredients for the dough 

  • 750 grams flour for burek 
  • 10 grams salt 
  • 400 ml water 
  • 50 ml sunflower oil 
  • 100 grams butter 

Ingredients for stuffing 

  • 400 grams cottage cheese 
  • 200 grams cheese spread (cream cheese) 
  • 3 eggs 
  • 5 grams vanilla extract 
  • 180 grams sugar 
  • 40 grams butter 
  • 150 grams McVitie's biscuits 
  • 200 grams creme fraiche 


Mix the wet ingredients and add half of the dry ingredients. Once you've mixed them well, add the other half of the dry ingredients. Allow the dough to rest for 20 minutes. 

After 20 minutes, divide the dough into four equal parts and add 25g of room temperature butter to each. Let it rest for 15 minutes under aluminium foil. 

Take a quarter of the dough with butter and roll it out or stretch it with your hands as thin as you can so that the burek flakes nicely. 

In a bowl, mix the cottage cheese, cheese spread and eggs. Mix and then add 2 grams of vanilla extract and 120 grams of sugar. Transfer the beaten mixture to a colander without pressing. Leave in the refrigerator for two hours to drain. 

Crush McVitie's biscuits into larger pieces. Toast (fry) them on melted butter. Mix the toasted biscuits into the cheese mixture and fill the dough. Spread the filling on 3/4 of the dough, roll and make a snail shape. Put it in a well-oiled tin that transfers heat well. Bake it at 220°C for 30 minutes. 

When the burek is baked, pour over it a mixture of 3 grams of vanilla extract, creme fraiche and 60 grams of sugar and leave in the still warm oven for 10 minutes to settle. Pour creme fraiche (sweetened as desired) over it.